Showing 1-3 of 3 articles.

DenisPaquetKenpo Ecole d'Arts Martiaux Denis Paquet

Pour apprendre à se défendre. A Chicoutimi Saguenay et St-Etienne de Lauzon Quebec, l'ecole d'arts martiaux Denis Paquet enseigne le karate style Kenpo, l'auto-défense, le kobudo d'Okinawa, le Goshindo et le cardio denis paquet

Learn Muay Thai Online Easily

The history of Muay Thai training goes back a few thousands of years ago, when Thailand inhabitants have started to use this combat style to protect themselves from their invaders.

riyadh combat club

riyadh combat club +966 9200 06907 The club is staffed with professional trainers and instructors who provide personalized coaching to ensure participants achieve their fitness and martial arts goals.
