Reasons Why Cork tiles Have Become Popular among Home and Business Owners Alike

It has now become a widespread trend to use cork tiles as on walls and floor as these tiles offer numerous benefits to the home and office owners. You can change the drab interiors of your home or office for the more appealing. What is cork paneling? You might have noticed them during your school days where this type of wall paneling is still very popular. This type of paneling has traditionally been used for displaying school notices and other papers with the help of tacks. Hospitals and administrative offices also use cork paneling on a regular basis. However, new-age interior designers have brought the benefits of cork tile to home and office owners and there are manufacturers and distributors that rightly help them with the best-graded products. If you want to revamp the interiors of your home or office in a minimalist yet stylish manner, you can choose cork as cork paneling is easy to use and maintain. What are the benefits of using cork tiling in your home and office? Read on to find.

Cork is cheaper than other widely used flooring materials
Cork tiles have grown popular among business and home owners because of the low cost of the material. Cork is way cheaper than polycarbonate, glass, slate and other materials that are generally used in flooring and wall paneling. For this reason only, cork has gained popularity outside school and hospital premises and is now a widely popular material.

Cork tiling is ideal for kid’s rooms
Kids tend to scribble and sketch on walls and they also bounce balls on walls. As cork tiles are less expensive, the wear and tear resulting from all these childish acts will not burn a hole in your pocket. Changing the paneling should not be an expensive affair. Kids cannot cause damage to these walls either. On the other hand, you can use the wall as a large bulletin board and you can pin paintings, posters and study charts on these walls. You can also choose from a wide variety of color options to impress your kids.

Cork is environment-friendly
If you are a business owner, you can deliver a strong message by replacing your office floor tiles with cork tiles. Cork is completely environment-friendly and your first step to grow as a Green Business can be using cork instead of other materials. Cork causes no deforestation and the material is not toxic in nature. For this reason only, the Cork Institute of the USA rated it as a green building material. Cork tile can last for a hundred years and requires almost zero maintenance. Cork is a versatile material and a preferred choice now for many American home owners and entrepreneurs.

If you are looking for the product online, always search for factory-direct distributors. Check whether the distributors have got all the security certificates in different EU countries and in the US. Feel free to discuss your requirements in detail with a cork tiles manufacturer or distributor before choosing the product.

Are you searching for cork tiles : distributors? iCork Floor LLC is a factory-direct distributor of cork tile : . Visit website to order customized tile now.

Published on: Feb 24, 2014

Visits: 143

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